ആര്‍മി റിക്രൂട്ട്‌മെന്റ് റാലി നവംബര്‍ ഒന്ന് മുതല്‍- medical corps army recruitment rally

ഇന്ത്യന്‍ ആര്‍മിയിലേക്ക് ആര്‍മി മെഡിക്കല്‍ കോര്‍പ്‌സ് സെന്റര്‍ മുഖേനയുള്ള യൂണിറ്റ് ഹെഡ് ക്വാര്‍ട്ടര്‍ ക്വാട്ട റിക്രൂട്ട്‌മെന്റ് റാലി നവംബര്‍ ഒന്ന് മുതല്‍ അഞ്ച് വരെ ലക്‌നൗ റായി ബറേലി റോഡിലെ എ.എം.സി സ്റ്റേഡിയത്തില്‍ നടത്തുന്നതാണെന്ന് ആര്‍മി അധികൃതര്‍ അറിയിച്ചു. ഫോണ്‍: 0491 2971633



1. Permanent Commissions in the Army Medical Corps will be granted to persons in accordance with the conditions as under:-

(a) Such of the serving AMC/SSC who after having satisfied the terms of eligibility under AI 75/78 are found suitable for grant of permanent commissions by the AMC Selection Board.

(b) Stipendiary Medical Cadet of the Graduate Wing of Armed Forces Medical College, Pune on successfully passing the final MBBS Examination will be eligible for grant of permanent commissions under the terms and conditions as laid down.

2. Personnel granted permanent commission in the Army Medical Corps would be liable for service in any part of the world and in any branch of Armed Forces i.e. Army, Navy and Air Force.

Age Limits for applying for PC

3. (a) Candidates must not have attained 30 years of age on 31 December of the year of applying for grant of PC. In the case of candidates possessing additional medical qualifications, the following relaxation in age limits will apply :-

(i) Those possessing post graduate diploma -31 years
like DOMS, DPH, DA etc.
(ii) Those possessing post graduate - 35 years
qualifications like MD, MS etc.

(b) A candidate with previous commissioned service in the Army Medical Corps will be entitled to extension of the above age limits for the full period of previous reckonable service if such service was rendered while in possession of a medical qualification recognized by the Indian Medical Council.


4. Candidates mention in para 1 (a) above will submit their applications to the office of the DGAFMS, Ministry of Defence, `M Block, New Delhi 110 001, in accordance with the rules circulated to all units/fms/commands through normal dept channels.


5. Candidates holding Short Service Commission in AMC will be required to appear before the AMC Selection Board for interview / medical examination. They will also undergo necessary tests / examinations as may be prescribed from time to time.

6. Rank on entry

(i) Lieutenant*, for those who are in possession of provisional medical registration at the time of 1st commission.

(ii) Captain, for those who are in possession of permanent medical registration at the time of 1st commission.

* AMC officers serving with Navy and Air Force will wear equivalent ranks of those services.


7. An officer will be on probation for two years from the date he receives his commission. If an officer is reported upon during his probation period as unsuitable to retain his commission, it may be terminated at any time before or after the expiry of the probationary period after one months notice. The confirmation after the probationary period will be published in the Gazette of India.


8. On appointment to Permanent Commission in the Army Medical Corps, officers will undergo such preliminary training and test as may be prescribed by the DGAFMS. While undergoing this training officers will be considered as on general duty. The appointment of an officer who fails to obtain a reasonable standard of proficiency or who is not satisfactorily reported upon during his training is liable to be terminated.


9. (a) Counting of service. All full pay commissioned service with the colours as a Medical

Officer, including period of secondment will count as full commissioned service towards

rank and seniority for pay and promotion.

(b) Promotion to the rank of Captain, Major and Lt Col will be by time scale provided an officer is found fit in all respects and is recommended for promotion:-

(i) Captain : From the date of eligibility for permanent medical registration on completion of prescribed period of internship/date of commission, whichever is later, for those who are commissioned as per sub-para 3 (a) above. However, the permanent medical registration certificate must be produced within one year from the date of commission or date of eligibility for permanent medical registration. Defaulters will be promoted from the date of production of permanent medical registration. Promotion of officers who do full internship in the AMC will be notified from the due date only on production of Permanent Medical Registration Certificate.

(ii) Major : On completion of 04 years reckonable service as Captain.

(iii) Lt Col : On completion of 11 years reckonable service provided the officer completes satisfactorily the MOJC course and qualifies in the examination prescribed for the purpose.

(c) Substantive promotion to the rank of Colonel and above will be by selection to fill the vacancies in the cadre as authorized from time to time and subject to the officer being found fit in all respects.

(d) Pay & allowances consequent to promotion are granted only on publication of the Gazette Notification. For this purpose all officers who get promoted are required to forward a Full Pay Commissioned Certificate signed by them and countersigned by the Commanding Officer before the Gazette can be published.

Antedate of Seniority

10.(a) A candidate who has held an approved whole-time appointment in a recognized

civil hospital for a period of six months or more will be eligible for an antedate of six

months. The DGAFMS will be the competent authority for recognizing a civil hospital in

India or abroad for this purpose.

(b) A candidate will be eligible for grant of an antedate of 24 months if he on the date of commission is in possession of a post- graduate diploma in any branch of medical science recognized by the Indian Medical Council, obtained from a recognized institution after a diploma course of two years duration.

(c) A candidate will be eligible for grant of an antedate not exceeding 36 months if he on the date of commission is in possession of a postgraduate degree in any branch of medical science recognized by the Indian Medical Council obtained from a recognized institution after a degree course of three years duration in respect of higher qualifications obtained prior to appointment. This will normally be granted for qualification such as Doctor of Medicine, Master of Surgery or an equivalent or higher qualification.

(d) Maximum antedate of seniority admissible to a candidate in accordance with paras (a), (b) & (c) above will be limited to a total period of 42 months.

(e) The eligibility of each candidate for grant of an antedate in accordance with the preceding sub-paragraphs will be decided by the DGAFMS.

Specialist appointments

11. Officers, while holding appointments within the authorized establishment of specialists, will be entitled to draw specialist pay at the prevailing rates. The specialist pay will be allowed to officers up to and including the rank of Brigadiers and equivalent.


12. The age of retirement for officers of the following substantive ranks will be as follows:

Lieut Colonel and below - 56 years
Colonel - 58 years
Brigadier - 59 years
Major General - 60 years
Lieut General - 61 years or 02 years tenure as Lt Gen whichever is earlier but in any case not before 60 years.
DGAFMS - 62 years or 03 years tenure whichever is earlier but in any case not before 60 years.

13. Information given in ibid paragraphs are general in nature and are subject to amendments, as and when reviewed. This information canno
